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Analitica de Texto En Español

Analitica de Texto En Español – Spanish Text Analysis

Analitica de Texto En Español, I didn’t write that, it is machine translation of “Text Analytics in Spanish”

Mathematics has often been called the Universal Language, but in an age of instant machine translation, any text, or text data, is as understandable as math.

That’s one of the reasons I was very happy to take part in a special series of interviews in celebration of the Spanish Association of Market Research’s 50th Anniversary.

Several of our clients are analyzing non English text with OdinText, but in some ways a single mono lingual analyst being able to instantly analyze the comments of millions of customers speaking multiple foreign languages is even more exciting. And this isn’t science fiction, many of our global clients have been doing this for some time now.

The current issue of AEDMO’s Magazine (Asociación Española de Estudios de Mercado, Marketing y Opinión) celebrates technology in the world of research, and several prominent researchers have been invited to write on their core issues of expertise. I was honored to give an interview on text analytics.

If you don’t get their magazine you can read our Q&A on their blog here in Spanish or English.

Their Editor Xavier Moraño asked some very interesting and pertinent questions.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions.

Tom H. C. Anderson
Chief Research Officer @OdinText

Industry-leading companies using OdinAnswers to better understand their customers.

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