Anywhere there is research on the thoughts and feelings of consumers will get our attention. A recent study looked at over 275k reviews to see how reviews composed on mobile compared to those written on laptop/desktops. The researchers sought to understand the value of reviews for the reader, not the writer. “Mobile reviews were associated with 10-40% fewer likes than the reviews generated on laptop or desktop computers.”
What I find interesting in this study is that if you want a better understanding of that customer’s experience, then you want a mobile review. The team found that “…content is more effective, more concrete, and less extreme when created on mobile devices”.
For the person writing the review, “Writing reviews may be therapeutic and help consumers make sense of their experiences.” Extending this thought to consumer feedback, it would seem that we want to give consumers an easy mobile experience so that we get the clearest picture of their experience.
Based on the work of Sam Ransbotham, Nicholas Lurie, and Hong Liu (source: link), “Creation and Consumption of Mobile Word of Mouth: How Are Mobile Reviews Different?”
Science Daily (source: link ) ‘Consumers: Online restaurant reviews are not all equal – Consumer appetite for restaurant reviews depends on how they were generated‘ (source: link )