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Pre-IIEX Text Analytics Q&A

Tom H. C. Anderson on Next Generation Text Analytics(Interview Re-Posted from Insight Innovation Exchange IIEX2015)

What are you going to be talking about at IIeX?

THCA: Next Generation Text Analytics of course! Over the past year we’ve seen so many interesting uses of our text analytics software OdinText ( I’m just hoping to share a little bit of what our users have been teaching us.

What are some takeaways from your session?

THCA: Text Analytics has moved beyond a nice to have and is now a need to have. My own opinion of text analytics has changed radically within just the past two years. I now believe we are wasting a lot of time and money with much of the traditional structured research questions just getting the same answers over and over again. Text Analytics and thus an understanding of unstructured data, when implemented correctly, can improve insights far more than anything that can be done with structured data. There really isn’t any more value that can be squeezed out of a likert scale.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

THCA: I’m fanatical about text analytics. I wasn’t always this bad, but the more I learn the more I love what I do. Happy to tell you more about it!

What are you hoping to get out of IIeX?

THCA: IIeX is a great place to meet like minded researchers, people who are excited about the insights process and are looking for ways to do things a little differently, better, faster, cheaper – SMARTER!

What are you most looking forward to at the event?

THCA: I’m pretty active on social media, Twitter (@TomHCAnderson), LinkedIn( and Facebook (, and so get to meet a lot of researchers online. But once in a while it’s good to do things the old school way, and IIeX is one of if not the best event to meet up and network with other Next Gen Market Researchers.

Learn more about Tom and his sessions at IIeX.

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