The Surveys Are Back,
Now Get More Out Of Your NPS Data
You customers took the time and have shared their thoughts, experience and feedback in your NPS or CSAT survey, so let's dig in and see what we can learn.
Plug In and
Connect Your Data
With a few clicks, you’ll be on your way. Export your survey data and upload it into a new project. Odin also includes a powerful Reference Project to easily augment your project with other important information, such as store IDs or associated products as just two examples.
Discover Topics
and Themes
Automatic Dictionaries or discovery will let you quickly discover the most impactful topics your customers are talking about. Explore auto-terms, create important topics, create specific dictionaries, and analyze emotions and sentiment.
Create and
Compare Segments
Women or men, monthly cuts or any other factor can be captured or trended to let you see how segments are the same or different. This lets you discover and highlight the distinctions between different groups of people.
Experiment to
Gain Perspective
The various combinations customers, topics and other factors will leave you with many questions to explore. Experiments make this quick and easy. Multiple experiments will help you gain new perspectives and insights, faster.
Understand What
Drives Your Business
Hidden in NPS/CSAT surveys are signals that impact your busines. OdinAnswers give you the understanding you need through AI, machine learning and predictive modeling. With more preasure than ever to get timely insights, we built a tool that lets you find the answers to your pressing questions, faster.